Weight Loss and NLP/Hypnotherapy
Weight loss is a common topic in the US, with many people trying to lose weight and spending lots of money on weight loss products. Here are a few statistics about weight loss in the US.
- Motivation- In 2022 83 % of people in a Mayo Clinic survey said that improving their health was their main motivation for losing weight. Other common motivators were improving physical fitness, self-esteem and appearances.
- Methods: The most common methods for weight loss are exercising and eating less food. Other methods include eating more fruits, vegetables and salads
- Cognitive Flexibility: Rigid expectations and “perfect” adherence to behavioral goals can lead to frustration and failure.
Which leads me to using hypnotherapy and NLP to help you lose weight.
Recently, I had someone ask me to help them with losing weight. This prompted me to pull out an old program I had taken specifically for weight loss using Hypnotherapy. I reviewed the program and decided to put together something that used all my skills. I started using NLP and hypnotherapy into the program. That and following “some” of the general guidelines from “The Best Life Diet” by Bob Greene. I have also added some insights from my years of being a semi elite athlete.
Addressing the mind through NLP tools and techniques as well as hypnotherapy coupled with some general diet/exercise rules of thumb provide the “cross” in weight loss. This triangulation effect and process approach to weight loss removes blockers and provides enablers to losing weight, more easily. Get your unconscious mind on board as you embark on an exciting journey of change. Why make it hard on yourself when you can make it easier and quite frankly more fun by changing your “whole” mind to achieve your goals. So, whether you are doing it for health, physical fitness, or self-esteem and appearances, go “all in”.