Centered and Focused
What is the difference between feeling “centered and focused” in the moment or having a feeling of “anxiety and doubt”? It is all about managing our internal chatter and movie in our mind at the time. What is this chatter, the thoughts that slip in when you are trying to focus and hit that tee shot?
In Buddhism, the “monkey mind” is a concept that describes a state of mental restlessness, confusion and lack of control. It is often compared to a group of drunken monkeys that distract and chatter incessantly. The term comes from the Chinese word or Sino-Japanese which literally means “heart-mind monkey”.
How do you keep the chatter out of your mind when you trying to clear it?
NLP and Hypno-therapy provide many tools for changing that movie in the mind and those triggers which bring up negative chatter and anxiety when you are trying to focus and perform. How you feel or your state is more in your control than you know. Learn techniques to manage your mind and overcome the “monkey mind” in us all.